Environmental health and pollution prevention links
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Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) - Contains information and resources on water quality issues in Santa Clara Valley.
CalRecycle - California's Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) brings together the state's recycling and waste management programs and continues a tradition of environmental stewardship.
Santa Clara County Integrated Waste Management Division - The Recycling and Waste Reduction Commission of Santa Clara County provides information and resources to help residents and businesses reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of discarded materials in Santa Clara County. The site also provides information on local waste management and recycling events and workshops.
Earth911 - Informational hotline for disposal of used motor oils, oil filters and household hazardous waste.
PaintCare.org - Information on use, storage, and recycling of household paint.
Center for the Development of Recycling - San Jose State University Department of Environmental Studies provides a recycling search engine as a resource to contact City recycling collection and service programs.
United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) - Working more than 30 years towards a cleaner, healthier environment for the American people.
Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program (SCVURPPP) - The program intends to reduce pollution in urban runoff by incorporating regulatory, monitoring and outreach measures aimed at improving the water quality of South San Francisco Bay and the streams of the Santa Clara Valley.
Household Products Database – The National Institute of Health provides health and safety information on household products.
Pesticides links
- University of California Integrated Pest Management (UC IPM) - Develops and promotes the use of integrated, ecologically sound pest management practices in California
- Bio-Integral Resource Center – For over 25 years, this organization has been Specializing in finding non-toxic and least toxic, integrated pest management (IPM) solutions to urban and agricultural pest problems.
- Beyond Pesticides - Non-profit website lists information on least-toxic control of various pests in the home and garden.
- Pesticide Action Network (North America) – An organization that is combating pesticide use and misuse on a global level.
Mercury links
- https://dtsc.ca.gov/toxics-in-products/mercury-reduction/ - DTSC Mercury Reduction Page
- http://www.epa.gov/mercury/ - The United States’ Environmental Protection Agency’s website on the hazards of Mercury with updates on the latest legislation and biological studies.
- http://www.saferstates.org/ - Learn more about Toxics Policies.